Please see the attached notice from PSAC National President Robyn Benson regarding National Public Service Week activities which takes place June 14 – 20, 2015. At the March 2015 meeting of the National Board of Directors, we once again called for a boycott of NPSW.
Tony Clement and the Conservative government are at the Treasury Board, Parks and CFIA bargaining tables intent on dismantling our sick leave and benefits and at CRA the employer refuses to bargain meaningfully.
Given that, I respectfully ask that PSAC members in BC not participate in employer sponsored activities in the workplace and that you encourage other members to do the same.
Instead, we ask that Locals consider organizing Union events in the worksite or participate in events that are currently being scheduled, like the PSAC softball tournaments in Victoria and Vancouver and the provincial day of action that we will be held on June 19th (watch for details coming soon). In past Locals have organized lunches, bargaining solidiarity events, and membership appreciation days. For more information and assistance, please contact my office, your mobilization coordinators, or your local executive.
When PSAC members choose not to participate in NPSW, that message gets reported up to Ottawa. Our boycott sends a message – we are not happy with what the employer is doing to our collective agreements and our rights, we support our bargaining teams, we are strong and united.
During NPSW tell the employer you can’t be bought off with burgers or cake and, instead, choose to stand united with your bargaining teams and your fellow union members!
In Solidarity, Bob Jackson REVP BC