Posted on behalf of Daphne Ho, A/Regional Council Young Worker Coordinator
The B.C. Federation of Labour is made up of thousands of members of different trade unions in B.C. The B.C. Fed is holding its Convention from November 26 to 30, 2012. As Brother Jim Sinclair’s attached letter mentions (scroll down), each year the B.C. Fed holds a young workers conference just prior to the Convention and this year is no exception.
On Sunday, November 25th there will be a full day young worker conference with some very exciting speakers including Brigette DePape. It is being held at the Hyatt Regency in Vancouver. Registration by November 1st is $75, after that it is $100.
If you are interested in attending this conference and have the means to do so, feel free to register directly with the B.C. Fed (more info and registration form attached below).
However, if funding is one of the barriers to your participation there are limited funds available from the Regional Council-Young Worker Coordinator’s budget that may be available to help you attend the conference. Also, if you are attending the convention as a delegate there are also subsidies that you can apply for based on geographic location. More information can be found in the BC Regional Council By-laws (regulation 3). Please note that any of these requests also suggests that you have asked for subsidies from other parts of the union, e.g. your Local, Component, Area Council, etc.
This email is specifically if you want to apply for a subsidy to attend the November 25th BC Fed Young Worker conference.
Please send your request to my attention at by Friday, October 26th with information briefly describing your union experience, community involvement, etc. and how you will use this experience to help the PSAC and the broader labour movement. Please include what costs you anticipate (registration fee, travel, accommodation, etc.), and any other sources of funding you have requested or have been able to secure. We are also interested to know if you are attending BC Fed Convention as a delegate.
Please also indicate if you are a member of an equity group, e.g. women; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender; aboriginal; racially visible; and/or a member with a disability.