The BRUSH Annual General Meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Thursday, January 23, 2019. A meeting notice and agenda will be distributed in the coming weeks.
Members can access the 2019 National Health and Safety Conference Materials online via the PSAC Events app. The apps are available for download at the links below:
- App Store (iOS, iPhone, iPad);
- Google Play (Android);
or via direct web links to conference materials:
At the National Health & Safety Conference, BC participants requested the contact information for the Labour Program. They may be contacted in work refusals or to escalate violence or other complaints. The Labour Program can be reached by dialing; 1-800-641-4049.
PSAC members who work for provincially regulated employers should contact the Worker’s Compensation Board of BC. There are a variety of numbers to call so please review the contact webpage if you aren’t sure who to contact, but for general H&S information dial 1-888-621-7233. For work site emergencies including unsafe conditions or work refusals contact WCB’s 24/7 prevention line 1-888-621-7233.