Call for Nominations – Delegates to PSAC BC Regional Convention from Equity Seeking Groups and Young Worker Caucus

*** To: PSAC members who have self-ID as being in an equity-seeking group, PSAC members thirty-five years of age and younger ***

Per section 9 of the PSAC BC Regional Bylaws, we will be holding an election for delegates to represent equity-seeking groups (Members with a Disability, Aboriginal, Racially Visible, and GLBT) and young workers at the upcoming PSAC BC Regional Convention.

Section 9

Sub-Section (4): each recognized B.C. Regional equity seeking group shall be entitled to one (1) delegate to the B.C. Regional Triennial Convention.

Sub-Section (7): Youth shall be entitled to three (3) delegates to the B.C. Regional Triennial Convention to represent their constituency.

The Regional Convention will be held June 16-18, 2017 in Vancouver, visit the convention page for more information.

To self ID as a member of an equity-seeking group or young worker, use our online form here.

Nominations Procedure – Members who are interested in putting their names forward as a delegate to convention should return a nomination form (attached below), via fax or email, along with an optional 1 page biography and/or statement. To nominate or be nominated you must be a member in good standing. Nominees must have completed a self-ID form.

The deadline for nominations is close of business, March 1st 2017.

Elections Procedure – Per past practice, we will conduct the elections online. The voting period will take place between March 2nd and March 15th.

If you have any questions, please contact the REVP Office by email or phone (604) 430-0191