CFIA Strike Training Course

We will soon be scheduling a strike course for PSAC members in the CFIA bargaining unit.

When: dates & times TBA

Where: PSAC Vancouver Regional Office and PSAC Victoria Regional Office,

Course Objectives – at the end of the course participants will have

  • The knowledge and the skills to perform their role during a strike;
  • Have the skills and confidence necessary to picket effectively;
  • Understand the personal problems that striking workers may face.
  • Have a trade union attitude towards strikes and know how to conduct an effective strike at the local level;


If you are interested in attending this course, please contact your PSAC Regional Representative, Janelle Ho-Shing at the PSAC Vancouver Regional Office before January 15, 2014  by phone at 604 430-5631 or call toll free at 1 800-663-1655 or  by e-mail at – this course is for all CFIA members.