BRUSH (Health & Safety) Committee meeting

Thursday, October 12

6PM -

Hybrid: PSAC Vancouver Regional Office and via Zoom
200 - 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver

The next meeting takes place Thursday, October 12 starting at 6 PM. This meeting will take in a hybrid format: both at the Vancouver Regional Office and via Zoom. Please send your RSVP via email to and indicate if you will be attending in person or via Zoom. Zoom coordinates will be sent out to confirmed attendees.

At the October 11 meeting, the Committee will hold an election for the Secretary position. If you would like to submit an advance nomination for the position, please email

Proposed Agenda

1. Roll call

2. Territorial Acknowledgement

3. Moment of Silence for Workers Killed and Injured on the Job

4. Accepting the Agenda

5. Review Previous Minutes (August 2, 2023)

6. Guest: Jamey Mills REVP

7. Old Business

  • Follow up from action items from August Meeting
  • ACTION: Christine to report back if resolution for additional funds for training passed at the BC Regional Convention

7. Treasurer Report (Tracy)

8. Election for Secretary

9. RISE Memorial Fundraising

10. BC Fed Update (Tracy)

11. BRUSH Training

12. PSAC BC Regional Health & Safety Conference

13. Next Meetings

  • Dec 5 at 6:00
  • AGM 2024 Dates

14. Round Table