Federal budget 2013 – a message from Bob Jackson

To: PSAC Locals and Activists in BC

As you may be aware, the Conservative’s have announced they will be releasing this year’s budget on Thursday March 21, 2013 at 4PM EST. We expect the budget to contain further cuts, affecting our members and further devastating the public sector. 

The lack of transparency and hidden legislative changes in the 2012 budget shows the disregard this government has towards Canadians and public services.

Reports in the media indicate the federal budget could contain funding aimed at transitioning towards short term disability and eliminating sick leave for federal public sector workers. PSAC members are entitled to their sick leave, which is an negotiated benefit that is a part of our collective agreements. We won’t trade it, sell it, swap it, lose it or give it away. We did a lot of work around this issue in the fall, and have restated our position in the media again.

  • Robyn Benson’s letter in the Ottawa Citizen: .
  • PSAC head says
PSAC also has prepared a pre-budget position paper which is available on the national website and our budget analysis will be available soon after the budget comes down, letting Canadians know how this year’s budget will affect PSAC members and the public we work with.
  • What we need from the 2013 Federal Budget:
We want this government to finally recognize that austerity isn’t working, that Canadians have lost services they need, and the job cuts are hurting the economy. Cutting jobs and services doesn’t create jobs and prosperity. With your help we are getting that message out, please share these links and the position paper within your Locals and/or networks. 

In Solidarity,

Bob Jackson, REVP BC