FNHA bargaining team pushes for fair agreement

PSAC BC’s First Nations Health Authority bargaining team met with the employer from June 13 to 15 to continue discussions for a new collective agreement. The bargaining priorities, as identified by FNHA members, include a fair wage increase to prevent workers from falling behind, improvements to vacation leave and per diem rates while traveling, as well as enhanced health benefits.

Although progress was made on certain issues, the team believes that the employer’s offer needs improvement. The bargaining team is committed to securing the same wage increases that have been granted to other provincial public sector healthcare workers, which are as follows:

  • Year 1: $0.25/hour increase plus 3.24%
  • Year 2: 6.75%
  • Year 3: Minimum of 2%, but a maximum of 3%, based on inflation.

Our union firmly believes that members working at the health authority should receive nothing less than what employees at other provincial health authorities have negotiated.

In the coming months, PSAC BC will be organizing lunch and learn sessions to provide members with more information about the bargaining process and the next steps. FNHA members are encouraged to stay informed and register one of these sessions when the details are announced.

Approximately 120 members of PSAC Local 22000 work at First Nations Health Authority, supporting their mandate to plan, design, manage, deliver and fund the delivery of First Nations Health Programs in British Columbia and to carry out other health and wellness related functions to First Nations communities and citizens across the province.