IMP bargaining update: Heading to Arbitration

PSAC’s IMP bargaining team met with the company in Vancouver for three days with the help of a conciliator last week. The team was hopeful IMP would address their workplace concerns and that a new contract would be negotiated without having to go to arbitration. Unfortunately, based on the minimal movement by the employer, PSAC is filing for arbitration.

The bargaining team is fighting for fair treatment of all members working at IMP. The table below shows the union’s position on key issues, and the company’s response to them:

The Union’s proposal The Company’s response
Fair wage increases for a 3-year deal Wage increases less than inflation for a 4-year deal
Protection from any long-term deployments so the Greenwood situation can never happen again Nothing, other than offering to consult us in the future
An increase to sick days, including the ability to bank unused days so that workers can bridge to short-term disability if necessary No movement
Increases to vacation leave, including more time, and the ability to carry leave over and to allow new employees to use their vacation leave after passing probation No movement, not even the same conditions that they give to non-union workers

In addition, IMP is still insisting on concessions, including cutting the amount of time granted for personal leave, and giving the employer the ability to withdraw members’ Aircraft Release Authority authorization.

The bargaining team were very clear that they would not accept these concessions and filed for arbitration.

Members are encouraged to reach out to the bargaining team if they have any questions. We will keep members up to date as the process moves forward.

PSAC Members at IMP Comox – United for a Fair Contract