IMP Comox Bargaining Update

Bargaining has begun

The PSAC/UNDE bargaining team representing members of Local 21018 working for IMP Group at CFB Comox held their first meeting with the employer May 29-31. The team is proposing a new 3-year agreement with improvements to wages and working condidtions, including.

  • Strong wage increases, including a cost of living adjustment clause.
  • An increase to sick leave, including the ability to bank unused days so that members have the ability to bridge themselves to short-term disability, if necessary.
  • Protections from any long-term deployments to other work locations.
  • Increases to vacation leave, including more leave time and the ability to carry leave over from year to year

After tabling these proposals, the bargaining team was met with almost no movement from the employer, who instead brought forward concessions. Based on this, PSAC has requested that the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service appoint a Conciliation Officer in an effort to achieve a collective agreement.

Membership meetings in Comox will be scheduled over the coming months, in the interim members are encouraged to contact their bargaining team for more information.

Approximately 40 PSAC/UNDE members of Local 21018 work for IMP Group at CFB Comox, ensuring that search and rescue aircraft are well maintained and safe to be used in rescue missions. The current collective agreement expires June 30, 2019.