National Public Service Week

With National Public Service Week just around the corner I would like to remind members in BC of the boycott that is in place. I have recently received information that some of our members are involved in organizing events with the employer and are planning to attend functions. 

The National Board of Directors of the PSAC has fully endorsed the boycott of activities being put on by the employer while our sisters and brothers are suffering the very dramatic impacts of work force adjustment.  I strongly feel that those of us who are not directly affected by the measures the employer has set in motion, owe it to our sisters and brothers who are directly affected to stand in solidarity with them. Actions of solidarity in the workplace will send a very strong message to our employers that we are not OK with what is happening. 

These actions are part of the We Are All Affected campaign. Many times I am asked “what can we do to fight back”. The boycott of NPSW activities in the workplace is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how we feel. 

As your elected leader for the BC Region, I urge you to fully support the NBoD and our National President in showing strong support for the boycott.

In Solidarity,

Bob Jackson, REVP BC