Our Organization
Welcome to psacbc.com – the Public Service Alliance of Canada BC Regional website.
PSAC is one of Canada’s largest unions. We are truly a national union with members from coast to coast to coast, in every province and territory. We even have an international face with members working abroad in embassies and consulates.
PSAC members in BC are employed in large and small communities throughout the province. Most of us work for the federal government, agencies, and crown corporations and an increasing number work in the private and community services sectors. We preserve Canada’s natural and historic heritage, we collect statistics for the business community, we maintain airport runways and navigation systems, we monitor fish stocks, we provide support to the military and RCMP, we administer pensions and employment insurance, we respond to emergencies at airports and at sea, we predict the weather, we do agricultural research, we help new Canadians get settled, we stop guns and drugs at the border, we make sure your food is safe to eat, we work with inmates and parolees, we support veterans and their families and we send you your tax refund. We do all this, and more.
Members in the BC Region are represented on the Alliance Executive Committee by the Regional Executive Vice-President. The REVP also chairs the BC Regional Council – a group of members elected within the region to work with and give voice to members from British Columbia. Click for more information about governance within the BC Region: the REVP, the BC Regional Council, and our bylaws.
Members in British Columbia are serviced by two Regional Offices located in Vancouver and Victoria. The staff are responsible for negotiating collective agreements, organizing new members, representing members at hearings, organizing strikes, facilitating union education and offering on-going advice and assistance to locals and regional bodies.
Visit our national website for more information about the PSAC in general.