The Public Service Alliance of Canada BC Region stands proudly and resolutely with our transgender and gender-diverse members, as well as…
Regional Executive VP
Jamey Mills was re-elected as the PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President for British Columbia in May 2023. He was first elected as REVP in June 2017.
Jamey is a long-time union leader who started his journey as an activist by serving as the young workers coordinator on the PSAC BC Regional Council and as a member of the BC Federation of Labour Young Worker Committee, where he sat on the BC Fed Executive Council.
He was first elected regional executive vice-president in 2017 and sits on the Alliance Executive Committee, where he represents members in British Columbia and helps set PSAC’s national direction. In British Columbia, he chairs and coordinates the work of the PSAC BC Regional Council.
Jamey chairs the PSAC National Board of Directors Health and Safety Committee and the Environment Committee, and sits on the Representation Committee. He is also the AEC officer responsible for Canada Food Inspection Agency Group bargaining.
As the REVP, Jamey is responsible for the following in the BC Region:
* BC Regional Council;
* Organizing and recertifications;
* Education;
* Political and social action;
* Women’s and equity programs;
* Area Councils;
* Directly Chartered Locals and Separate Employers;
* Federations of Labour and related committees and District Labour Councils.
Jamey is always happy to hear from PSAC members – email or call the office at (604) 430 0191
REVP Labour Day Message: Join us to celebrate our victories, our resiliency and our solidarity
Whether it’s a rally, picnic or BBQ, every year workers come together to celebrate Labour Day and the historic gains workers…
Jamey Mills est réélu vice-président exécutif régional de l’AFPC–C.-B.
Jamey Mills a été réélu au poste de vice-président exécutif régional de l’AFPC–Colombie-Britannique. Les personnes déléguées au congrès 2023 de l’AFPC–C.-B. ont…
Jamey Mills re-elected as PSAC regional executive vice-president, BC
Jamey Mills has been re-elected as PSAC regional executive vice-president for British Columbia. Delegates to the 2023 PSAC BC Regional Convention…
Jamey Mills, PSAC BC regional executive VP, on bargaining and mobilization
We caught up with Jamey Mills, PSAC regional executive VP, for a quick chat about the strike votes, mobilization, and a little bit of his history.
Regional Convention Honour Roll
We have a tradition at our Regional Conventions, in which we hold a moment of silence to honour those who are no longer with us.
Environics survey: PSAC’s Anti-Racism Action Plan
PSAC has commissioned Environics Research to do a broad organizational consultation with our members as part of a larger initiative to…
Call for Nominations for Regional Executive Vice-President, Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President, and 2nd Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President
This is the official call for nominations for the position of Regional Executive Vice-President, Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President, and 2nd Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President for the B.C. Region.
Seasons Greetings and Solidarity: a message from REVP Jamey Mills
On behalf of the all the staff in the PSAC BC Region and the PSAC BC Regional Council, I wish you and your families a happy and safe holiday season.
Media Advisory – End Violence Against Women Candlelight Vigil, December 6th, Holland Point Park, Victoria
The Public Service Alliance of Canada Vancouver Island Regional Women’s Committee is sponsoring a candlelight vigil at Holland Point Park in Victoria on December 6th, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada.