Young Workers

In the PSAC-BC Region young workers who are thirty-five years of age and under actively come together to share their experiences, discuss common struggles, and analyze the issues they face at work and in the Union.

  • If you’re a young worker age 35 and under, fill out the PSAC BC self id form here to be added to our Young Worker Caucus email list.

Young workers first formed as a Caucus in 2002 through the Solidarity Campaign for young workers and held many events and educational opportunities designed to appeal to younger workers.  Thanks to the hard work of young members across the Regions, the PSAC’s Constitution was amended in 2012 to formally recognize Regional Young Workers Committees. BC was the first to form such geographically-based committees, beginning with Vancouver Island, and soon after for the Mainland and Haida Gwaii.

Committees are expected to identify issues of concern to young PSAC members, and to develop action plans to address priority concerns. In recent years, Young Workers Committees have developed initiatives to address:

  • precarious and term employment;
  • the push by employers to pay newly hired employees less than those already employed; and
  • inadequate or non-existent pension coverage for young workers.

Get involved today! Contact the PSAC BC Acting Young Workers Coordinator Kaj Stirler or PSAC Young Workers Term Rep Jessica Dagasso.

Currently there are two Young Workers Committees (YWC) in the BC Region: the Vancouver Island Committee includes both the north and south areas on Vancouver Island. The Mainland and Haida Gwaii YWC covers the rest of BC (Metro, North, Southern Interior, West and East Fraser Valley) as well as Haida Gwaii.

Each Committee also has its own leadership.

Here is the 2024 executive list for the Vancouver Island Young Workers Committee:

  • Chair – Curtis Martin (on leave)
  • Vice Chair – Kaj Stirler
  • Secretary – Yalan Yang
  • Treasurer – Jessica Dagasso

The executive can be contacted via email at

Here is 2025 the executive for the Mainland and Haida Gwaii Young Workers Committee:

  • Chair – Maxwell Gawlick
  • Vice-Chair – vacant
  • Treasurer – vacant (while vacant, the chair will cover this responsibility)
  • Secretary – Albel Deol

The executive can be contacted via email at

The Mainland and Haida Gwaii Young Worker Committee (MHGYWC) also has a WhatsApp group. Anyone interested in joining the group can connect with the committee executive.

The Region also has a Discord server for PSAC BC Young Workers. If you’d like to be invited, please email the MHGYWC. You can also follow the committee on X (Twitter) at @PSAC_BC_MHG.

Here are the minutes of the various Young Workers Committee and Caucus meetings.

Get involved today!


Friends, We are pleased to announce that PSAC BC wil lbe hosting an Activist Summit on Friday, March 28 and Saturday,…

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PSAC BC Young Workers Survey

There are several pressing issues facing young workers in today’s workplaces, including childcare, parental leave, health and safety, and precarious work….

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