To: PSAC Local Presidents and Component National Officers in BC, on behalf of REVP Bob Jackson and the PSAC National Board of Directors
Re: Regional Meetings to Launch Plan Against Government Attacks
The National Board of Directors of the PSAC has unanimously endorsed a plan to protect our members against new threats to our Collective Agreement rights.
The government is preparing another budget that Finance Minister Flaherty has said will require further “sacrifice” on the part of federal government workers.
Legislation recently passed with the support of the Harper Government and now before the Senate would impose extremely intrusive rules on all unions – including PSAC components and locals. At least one representative of the Harper Government has spoken openly in recent months about unilaterally opening our collective agreements to remove union security provisions that have existed for over 40 years.
These threats are serious. Our collective agreements, public services, our jobs, our union are all at risk. We must join together and fight back.
These threats are serious. Our collective agreements, public services, our jobs, our union are all at risk. We must join together and fight back.
The National Board of Directors of the PSAC is putting in motion a new, unprecedented plan to push back these attacks and build our union member by member. PSAC Local leaders are requested to attend a day-long meeting to discuss the plan and to receive special training on how to organize our members to respond to the latest Conservative threats facing PSAC members.
We have scheduled 3 meetings in BC. RSVP here –
- April 19 in Kelowna – encompassing Locals and members from the Southern Interior
- April 22 in Victoria – encompassing Locals and members from Vancouver Island
- April 26 in Surrey – encompassing Locals and members from the Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, and Northern BC
All three meetings are scheduled from 10AM to 3PM – we will have an agenda and full details soon.
PSAC will pay cover the costs of participation of every local President or their designate. Locals are encouraged to send more members at their own expense.
The participation of Local and Component leaders is essential. Join us at the meeting in your area. Please RSVP here at the regional website – – to assist with planning for the meetings we ask that you RSVP prior to March 25th.