Support New Canadians! The PSAC BC Mainland Human Rights Committee and Immigrant Services Society of BC need your help.

The PSAC BC Mainland Human Rights Committee would like to invite PSAC members and Locals to participate in a campaign to gather items to support our new neighbours arriving from Syria. The Human Rights Committee has partnered with the Immigrant Services Society of BC to join their Family Basket campaign. ISSBC is in need of household items, basic toiletries, grocery store voucher cards, and food.

To participate please email the Human Rights Committee’s co-chairs, Ferzana Samnani and Todd Smith, at and let them know if you’d like to be a worksite coordinator and take on collecting donations for your worksite.

We will communicate directly with worksite coordinators to offer support and collect feedback. We have provided a poster (download below) so that members and worksites know whom to give their worksite coordinator is. The campaign is running from March 21 to April 18, 2016. Worksite coordinators are asked to drop donations off to either ISSBC at 533 Drake Street, Vancouver or Shane Polak at 605 Robson Street, Vancouver (phone number will be given upon request).

Let’s come together to help our new neighbours feel welcome in our community.

In Solidarity, the PSAC BC Mainland Human Rights Committee