We all must stand against racism and hatred


As I watch the recent events in Charlottesville and other American cities unfold, I am saddened and disgusted by the rise of openly racist, hateful, sentiment and action in the United States.

Bigoted beliefs like those have no place in the society that we as union members – and as human beings – believe in and work hard to build.

Closer to home, it’s important to acknowledge that racism and white supremacy is not just limited to the United States.

Over the past months we have seen reports of racist graffiti in North Vancouver and Surrey, the distribution of racist pamphlets and flyers in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, New Westminster, Richmond and East Vancouver, and extreme right-wing groups have marched in our streets and plan to do so again.

I find this deeply disturbing, and can only imagine the impact being felt by the people targeted by these hateful acts.

I call on all PSAC BC members and allies to stand in solidarity with racialized communities, to stand against all forms of racism and hatred, and to defend the struggle for equality, social justice and human rights.

There are many ways we can do this in our homes, in our workplaces and in our communities.

For example, we can connect and work with community groups who work on anti-racism issues; we can find out more about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission; we can encourage and support racialized and indigenous workers who want to be involved in our union; and we educate ourselves about the impact of racism.

And we must always speak out and fight against racism wherever and whenever we see it.

In Solidarity,

Jamey Mills
PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President, BC