Union activists, specifically those in the public-sector, never seem to understand why the rest of us complain about having to pay for their lavish contract demands.

There is one source for their paycheque – the taxpayer. That’s you and I.

But, this past week, one government union successfully managed to make the B.C. Teachers Federation look like a thrifty bunch of Scotsmen with its outrageous contract proposals.

You may not have heard of the Educational and Library Science Group of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, but you probably recognize the union’s PSAC acronym.

Its bargaining committee must have had a hard time keeping a straight face when it tabled a demand for 10 days paid leave upon the death of an employee’s imaginary spirit friend.

Wife, husband, child, sibling . . . sure, we get it. But spirit friend? Get real.

We’re not knocking anyone’s religious beliefs, but if said friend is a spirit, aren’t they technically already dead?

Just sayin’.

The realization could trigger massive grief across the public service, leaving government operations crippled.

Oh, the humanity.

Or the spirituality. Or whatever.

What a crock.

It’s Big Labour B.S. like this that infuriates average Canadians.

The self-entitled types who think up these things should try working in the real world for a change. In a job where they might have to get their hands dirty once in a while, work long hours or might not get such generous benefits, if any at all.

If PSAC gets this and other proposals for increased stat days, sick time and vacation, its members could conceivably get up to 165 days off a year with full pay.


— Managing Editor Jon Manchester

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