BC Federation of Labour Convention: Regulation 3 Subsidy Application

As part of the Region’s strategy to increase PSAC BC visibility and participation in the broader labour movement, the BC Regional Council provides subsidy for PSAC Delegates to attend the biennial BC Federation of Labour Convention. The subsides are intented to assist, encourage, and promote attendance of PSAC members at the BCFED Convention.


As outlined in Regulation 3 of the PSAC BC Regional By-Laws and Regulations, for Conventions of the BC Federation of Labour that are held in-person, subsidies will be allocated preferentially to one (1) delegate from each of the following constituencies:

  • North Vancouver Island
  • South Vancouver Island
  • Northeastern BC
  • Northwestern BC
  • Southern Interior (Okanagan/Kootenays)
  • East Fraser Valley
  • West Fraser Valley
  • Racialized Members
  • Access (Persons With Disabilities)
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Women
  • Young Workers
  • Health and Safety
  • Directly Chartered Locals/Separate Employer Units

Subsidies will also be allocated preferentially to two (2) delegates from each of the following:

  • Metro Vancouver
  • Equity members from outside Metro Vancouver

If the above numbers of delegates cannot be met based on the applications received by the application deadline, residual funds may be allocated to more than one (1) applicant per constituency, bsaed on available funds.

Please note – applicants must be PSAC BC members in good standing.


Applications for the subsidy should be made in writing to the office of the REVP not less than four (4) weeks prior to the opening of Convention. Applications should indicate what other sources of funding are available or being pursued and an estimate of costs. Any funding available from the local, component, Area Council, Women’s Committee, etc. must be reported and preference will be given to those with greatest need.

For Conventions that are held in-person, Delegates residing outside Metro Vancouver and West Fraser Valley may be eligible for up to $1000 to help defray the costs of travel, hotel and per diem expenses. Delegates residing in Metro Vancouver and West Fraser Valley may be eligible for up to $500 to subsidize costs of commuting and per diem expenses.


Subsidy recipients must submit a written report to the REVP’s office within one (1) month of the event before the subsidy will be issued. Reports can be submitted via email to REVP-BC@psac-afpc.com.

Apply using the form below, prior to the deadline of Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time Zone. For more information about Regulation 3 subsidies for the BCFED Convention, please email REVP-BC@psac-afpc.com.

Regulation 3 – BCFED Convention Subsidy Application

Please complete all fields below.
What are your total anticipated costs to attend the BCFED Convention as a delegate?
What other sources of funding have you sought and/or secured to assist with your anticipated costs? (Component, Local/Branch, Area Council, Committee, etc.)

Equity Self-ID

PSAC members who belong to the following groups are invited to self-identify. This information is voluntary and kept confidential. Please check all that apply.
For equity purposes, “person with disabilities” means persons who experience barriers arising from impairments of a physical, mental, sensory, psychiatric or learning nature.
An Indigenous Person is a member of a First Nation, a Métis or an Inuit community.
A racialized person in Canada is non-white in colour or race, regardless of place of birth.
Two-Spirited, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Persons, Queer, Intersex, Asexual