Call for Nominations for Regional Executive Vice-President, Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President, and 2nd Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President

This is the official call for nominations for the position of Regional Executive Vice-President, Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President, and 2nd Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President for the B.C. Region. Elections for these positions will be held at the B.C. Regional Convention to be held in Richmond at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel (7551 Westminster Hwy) on May 5-7, 2023

Delegates to the 2023 B.C. Regional Convention, being held May 5-7, 2023 at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond, B.C. will be electing the B.C. Regional Executive Vice-President, the Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President, and the 2nd Regional Executive Vice-President. Any PSAC member in good standing in the B.C. Regionis entitled to run for these three positions. The nominator and the seconder must be delegates to the B.C. Regional Convention.

As Regional Coordinator, I have been assigned the responsibility for sending out the call for nominations, receiving the nominations in advance of the Regional Convention, and working with the Nominations Committee at the Convention itself.

Here’s how the procedure will work, and what to do if you want to run for office.

Nominations Procedure

A Nominations Committee will be appointed by the B.C. Regional Council and ratified on the Convention floor. The Chairperson of the Nominations Committee will be appointed by the B.C. Regional Council and will conduct the elections for the positions of REVP, Alternate REVP, and 2nd Alternate REVP. The Chairperson has the power to appoint scrutineers and assistants deemed necessary to conduct the elections in an orderly manner.

In my capacity as Regional Coordinator, I have been tasked with facilitating the nomination process in advance of the Convention. I am also responsible for ensuring that the nominations are filed with the Nominations Committee in writing and signed by the nominator and seconder, each of whom must be an accredited delegate to the B.C.Regional Convention.

Eligibility for Office

Candidates nominated for the position of REVP, Alternate REVP, and 2nd Alternate REVP do not have to be a delegate to the Convention, but must be a member in good standing and live or work in the B.C. Region. The nominator and seconder must be delegates at the B.C. Regional Convention.

Relocation Expense Reimbursement

Section 18, Sub-Section (3) (b) of the PSAC Constitution stipulates that, “REVP positions shall be prepared to live in a location where there is a PSAC Regional Office as determined by the AEC.”

Therefore, as outlined by Regulation 16, Regulation Governing the Relocation of Full-Time Elected Officers of the PSAC Centre of the PSAC Constitution and Regulations, a member who is elected as a full-time officer of the PSAC Centre (i.e. the Regional Executive Vice-President) shall be paid relocation expenses when at the time of election the member is residing outside of the regional location as determined by the AEC and the elected individual must move in order to comply with the requirements of the PSAC Constitution.

A copy of Regulation 16 is available here for your reference.

Election Expenses

As outlined by Regulation 21, Regulation Governing PSAC Election Expenses of the PSAC Constitution and Regulations, the spending limit for the candidates seeking the office of the Regional Executive Vice-President is $3,600. The cost of suite/rooms shall not be included in the spending limit. Donated literature, posters, handouts, buttons and other paraphernalia, food and refreshments shall be included in the spending limit.Candidates may seek funding through Locals/Branches, Components, etc.

However, campaign funding may not be sourced through regional structures such as the Regional Council, Regional Committees and/or Area Councils. Candidates are required to submit a report of campaigns expenses to the National Board of Directors within three (3) months of the date of election. The expense report shall be accompanied by supported invoices for all expenses.

A copy of Regulation 21 available here for your reference.

Submitting the Nomination Form

Nominees who will not be present at the Regional Convention must submit a nomination form to me prior to the start of the Regional Convention. 

Nominees who will be present at Convention can submit a nomination form to the Nominations Committee prior to the start of the Regional Convention, or be nominated from the floor of the Regional Convention. 

Need Further Information?

For further information on the B.C. Regional Convention, please consult our website at Please feel free to contact me by phone at the Vancouver Regional Office at 604-430-5631 (toll-free: 1-800-663-1655) or via email at for any questions on the Nominations process outlined above.

In Solidarity,

Tamie Dale

Regional Coordinator, B.C. Region