Call Out and Guide: 8th PSAC B.C. Regional Triennial Convention – May 6-9, 2021

Sisters, Brothers and Friends,
We hope this new Convention Call will provide you with all the information you will need to register and participate in the 8th B.C. Regional Triennial Convention of the Public Service Alliance of Canada. Our Convention will be held online, beginning Thursday, May 6 and concluding on Sunday, May 9.

The theme of this Convention, “Making Our Communities Stronger” celebrates the PSAC’s strength, solidarity, and inclusiveness and acknowledges that by working together, we can make our communities stronger. While this theme was selected well in advance of COVID-19 and the events of 2020, this theme now seems more fitting than ever given the challenges faced by members, their families and our global community in recent months. Together, we have to tackle the issues before us, work collectively to prioritize the needs of workers and the needs of our communities, and ensure that the changes we bring forward are achieved through a lens of equity, solidarity and sustainability.

Included in this Convention Call are details on how to register as a delegate or as an observer, how to submit new resolutions to the Regional Convention, the nominations process for elections, as well as information on delegate expense entitlement and reimbursement. Further convention details are also available on the PSAC B.C. regional website.

Please feel free to contact the REVP Office if you have any questions:

  • PSAC B.C. REVP Office
  • 302 – 5238 Joyce Street
  • Vancouver, B.C. V5R 6C9
  • Tel: 604-430-0191 or 1-866-811-7700
  • Email:

I look forward to seeing you at the Convention in May!

In solidarity,

Jamey Mills
Regional Executive Vice-President
Public Service Alliance of Canada, B.C.