The PSAC BC Racially Visible Caucus and the Union of National Employees BC and Yukon invite you to Celebrate Black History Month with a series of posters, facts, and bookmarks that commemorate our heritage. Here is the first of a series of informative posters members can print and display at their worksites.
Black History Month in Canada was introduced in 1995 following a motion by the first Black Canadian woman elected to Parliament, Jean Augustine.
In 1995, a motion by the first black Canadian woman elected to Parliament, Jean Augustine was unanimously passed in the House of Commons that proclaimed February as Black History Month in Canada.
Black History Month provides an opportunity to share and learn about the experiences and contributions to society by canadians of african ancestry. It was first commemorated in Canada by the Ontario Black History Society, which was founded in 1978.
In February 2008, Senator Donald Oliver, the first black man appointed to the Senate, introduced a motion to have the Senate officially recognize February as Black History Month.
The motion received unanimous approval and was adopted on March 4, 2008. The adoption of this motion completed Canada’s parliamentary position on Black History Month.
Senator Anne Cools became the first black woman to be appointed to the Senate.