CLC Webinar: #YouthVote2015

To: PSAC BC Young Workers, posted on behalf of Vanessa Miller, BC Regional Council Young Worker Coordinator
We hope you agree that the upcoming Federal Election is pretty important, and one young workers needs to have an active part in!
To help, we are spreading the word about this CLC webinar called, #YouthVote2015: Better strategies to talk to young people about voting. The webinar will examine barriers to voting, some myths and truths, and strategies about young voter turnout.
You may recall in a Globe and Mail article in March it mentioned that, “An Elections Canada study of the federal vote in 2011 found that participation rates rose steadily up to the age of 75. The lowest rate of voter turnout was among 18-to-24-year-olds, only 39 per cent of whom cast a ballot, and next lowest was among 25-to-34-year-olds, who turned out at a rate of 45 per cent, according to Elections Canada. Meanwhile, the voting rate was 75 per cent for those 65-74.”
The webinar is for any union activist, you don’t have to be a young worker to participate, and it can be accessed anywhere in Canada. It will be held on August 25, please register at the CLC website.