Commissionaires bargaining update: Talks have stalled

The Local 20500 bargaining team, representing 400 PSAC members employed by the Commissionaires Victoria, the Islands and Yukon, met with the employer and a government appointed mediator on October 11 and 18 in an attempt to reach an agreement.

During these meetings, the role of the mediator is to support the bargaining process and attempt to bring the parties closer together. The mediator does not make a binding decision and cannot compel either the employer or the union to agree to a particular proposal.

Unfortunately, while the parties were able to close the gap on a number of issues, they were not able to come to an agreement on a fair wage offer. Members of Local 20500 were very clear that fair wages were their top priority in this round of bargaining. PSAC will be scheduling a series of membership meetings in the very near future to gather input from the membership and to seek a strike mandate.

Members are encouraged to contact a member of their bargaining team for more information and are reminded that the Collective Agreement remains in effect while the bargaining process is underway.