Commissionaires Bargaining Update

The bargaining team representing approximately 400 members of PSAC DCL 20500, the Commissionaires Union, met with employer in Victoria for the full week of May 27.

Normally bargaining begins with an exchange of preliminary proposals that are non-monetary. Once these proposals discussed in detail, the two parties move to monetary items like wages, shift premiums, the duration of the agreement, etc.

The Commissionaires bargaining team was very disappointed with the opening position the employer has taken. The employer made more than 35 proposals, many of which were very lengthy and included significant roll backs from the current  agreement. The employer appears to be taking direct aim at the gains that were agreed to last round of bargaining.

The Commissionaires bargaining team has no interest in concessions or agreeing to rollbacks and anticipates this may be a very lengthy and difficult round of negotiations if the employer does not change their approach at the next session.

Based on the mandate given to the union by members, the team is focussed on making improvements to day to day working conditions at job sites in Whitehorse, on Vancouver Island and in greater Victoria. It is the team’s goal to align the collective agreement with those of other Commissionaires and security services across the country. The team also intends to work on matters such as scheduling for spares and “A” list workers, post orders, and job descriptions.

The bargaining team proposed the week of July 8 to continue discussions, however the employer has yet to confirm their availability.

PSAC will hold a membership meeting once the next set of bargaining dates are confirmed. In the meantime, members are encouraged to contact a member of the bargaining team for more information.

Members are reminded that the Collective Agreement remains in effect while the two parties are in negotiations.