BRUSH (Health & Safety) Committee meeting
Thursday, October 24
6:30 PM -
via Zoom
The next meeting takes place Thursday, October 24 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Please send your RSVP via email to by October 21 at 5 PM. Confirmed attendees will be sent the Zoom coordinates.
Proposed Agenda
1. Territorial Acknowledgement – led by Tracy
2. Approval of the Agenda
4. Moment of Silence for Workers Killed and Injured on the Job
5. Approval of Previous Minutes (Nov 28, 2023; May 2, 2024; July 18, 2024)
6. Old Business
7. Treasurer Report (Jackie)
8. Guest Speaker: Josh Peterson
- Home Safety Tips
9. Membership engagement/Growing BRUSH
- Ongoing item
- QR Code created by Kristin
- Looking for a volunteer to create a simple poster/info sheet that we can pass out
10 . Menstrual products in all washrooms (Updates)
11. BCFED Update (Tracy)
12 . PSAC BC Regional Health and Safety Conference Debrief
14. Roundtable (by exception)
15. Adjournment