CIRCLE (Human Rights) Committee AGM

Friday, February 28

5:00 PM Pacific -

Via Zoom

The PSAC BC CIRCLE COMMITTEE (formerly Okanagan Human Rights Cmtee)

The “CIRCLE” acronym stands for Coastal North and Interiors, Rights, Community, Leadership and Engagement Committee. This is a group of members from the north and interior of BC that come together to work on human rights and equity issues.

POSTPONED: The CIRCLE Committee 2025 AGM has been rescheduled to take place Friday, February 28 at 5 PM Pacific via Zoom. Please RSVP via email to to confirm your attendance. Confirmed attendees will be sent the Zoom coordinates.

Proposed Agenda

  1. Land Acknowledgement
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Approval of 2024 AGM minutes (Jan. 21, 2024)
  4. Report from the Chair
  5. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Approval of the 2024 Financial Statements
    1. Approval of the 2025 Budget
  6. Executive Elections
  7. New Business
    1. Education
    1. Donations
  8. Old Business
  9. Roundtable
  10. Oath of Office
  11. Adjournment