FB bargaining update: Parties in Dispute over Pension Commitment Proposal

Bargaining Team continues to demand parity with other federal enforcement workers.

Our FB bargaining team met with Treasury Board and CBSA representatives in Ottawa the week of October 3rd to continue negotiations for a new contract. Talks over the course of the four days focussed on our proposals concerning pension reform, VSSA and non-VSSA scheduling, seniority rights and severance.

With respect to pension reform, we re-iterated to management that we want a commitment in this round of bargaining from the CBSA and Treasury Board that both support a “twenty-five and out” retirement plan for all members of the FB bargaining unit. In negotiations management indicated that they do not have any interest in pursuing such an initiative, and that because only Parliament can change pension legislation they refuse to address the issue. We reiterated our position that there is nothing in the law that precludes CBSA/Treasury Board from committing to support a change in legislation, one that would provide for FB workers to be subject to the same retirement regime as other enforcement workers in the public service.

In addition, we had considerable discussion about scheduling, and seniority rights for both VSSA and non-VSSA workers, both in the context of hours of work and vacation scheduling. On the last day of negotiations, management proposed to end all accrual of severance for the purposes of voluntary termination. We indicated that we have no interest in ending severance accrual for workers in the FB bargaining unit.

We meet again the week of November 15th. We’ll be sure to update as things progress. If you have any questions speak with a member of our team, a member of your Branch Executive, or go to the PSAC website at www.psac.com for a copy of our demands.

PSAC Members at CBSA United for a Fair Workplace