Help spread the word and continue to build our Young Worker movement in BC!
Our Young Worker Coordinating Group has decided to use the Young Workers Survey as an on-going outreach and self-identification tool. We may update or change the questions from time-to-time to ensure that our activities and campaigns are important and relevant to PSAC Young Workers. If you are age 35 and under and haven’t yet filled out the survey you can do it here, and be sure to pass a link to it along to young workers at your workplace.
Congratulations to Raeleen from the Vancouver Island area and Lesley from the BC Mainland & Haida Gwaii area, the latest winners in our survey draws!
We will continue to hold prize draws for members who complete the survey – the draw(s) will be held at random points throughout the fall/winter (to keep things interesting…) but to be fair, we won’t include names of those who have already won something.