Hear from Negotiators Gail Lem & Brenda Shillington on TB bargaining and issues of interest for BC women

Gail Lem, PSAC Negotiator for the PA unit and Brenda Shillington, PSAC Negotiator for the Common Issues table will be making a presentation to the next Southern Interior Regional Women’s Committee meeting to discuss the upcoming round of bargaining with Treasury Board and issues that may be of particular interest to PSAC BC women. There will be an opportunity for questions after their presentation. 

Please mark your calendars and save the date: Sunday, May 16, 2021, from 9-9:30 a.m.

The Southern Interior Regional Women’s Committee invites any self-identified PSAC BC woman to participate in the session.

Please RSVP to UrrutiM@psac-afpc.com to receive Zoom coordinates.


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