IMP Comox Bargaining Update: Arbitration dates set for February 27 & 28, 2018

In March the union and the employer selected Arbitrator Judi Korbin to settle our collective agreement, which expired June 30, 2015. We have been working for the past seven months to schedule arbitration dates!

Finally, after IMP dragged its feet for months and months, the Arbitrator had no other choice but to order the employer to an arbitration at the end of February. It’s shameful that the employer doesn’t respect us enough as employees to agree to arbitration dates in a timely manner.

It has been over 2 years since our collective agreement expired and there are serious problems in the workplace that need to be addressed. It’s appalling that the employer would continue to delay resolving these issues.

We look forward to getting to the arbitration early next year and finally resolving our collective agreement. Thank you for your support during this difficult round of negotiations.

If you have any questions speak with a member of our Bargaining Team (Rick, Phil and Jamie).

PSAC Members at IMP Comox – United for a Fair Contract