Local 22005 Bargaining Survey

Please take a moment to complete this short survey, it will help your bargaining team sharpen our focus at the table.

Note the survey can be filled out anonymously, if you would like to help the bargaining team win a fair collective agreement, let us know at the end of the survey and identify yourself so we can follow up with you as needed.

The Employer monetary counteroffer includes the agreed establishment of a wage grid. This means standardizing pay for work by job title.

It would also allow for an annual  progression through the grid on your anniversary date of hire. The second part of the offer would be a general economic increase applied to the grid for each year of the agreement.

Combined, it would amount to approximately 5% each year for the coming two years. Everyone will get a wage increase, and no one falls behind. The team wants to know if this would be in the area that you would be satisfied with.

The team, of course, will work to improve on that counteroffer, but we need to know if we are close.  

If you are not satisfied, and understanding the team will work to improve that offer at the March session, would you be willing to …

Thanks for taking the time to fill out the survey.

Remember, our ability to win a fair contract depends on our collective strength and your input. We will be sure to update you as things progress and perhaps call on you to play a role.

If you are interested in helping support the team, please mark the box below then add your name, email, and cell number and we’ll be sure to follow up with you.
