May 1: Standing Together For Public Services, Standing Together For Fairness

On May 1st PSAC members across BC will congregate outside of their worksites and hold signs that say “Standing Together for Public Services, Standing Together for Fairness”.

It’s time to send a message to the government: We are united, ready and committed to defending our collective agreements, public services, and our working conditions.

Why? Because we know this government is determined to try to take away as many of our negotiated benefits as possible.  That’s the example they’re setting. 

The Conservative’s budget bill, C-4, seriously watered down health and safety protection under the Canada Labour Code.  Now, at least a million workers in the federal private and public sectors are more at risk than ever when they are at work.

Government Ministers regularly make comments putting down the role of unions and unionized workers.

And this government is continually sending a message that it’s OK for employers to go after workers and the salaries and benefits they’ve negotiated in their collective agreements. 

As we begin to engage in what will be a tough round of bargaining with Treasury Board, Agencies and other employers, we ask that all members to take part in the PSAC BC Day of Action, May 1st at lunchtime or after work. We also encourage you to talk to your co-workers in PIPSC, CAPE, and the other federal government unions, and invite them to join in this action.
We also ask that each worksite take a photo of their action, no matter how big or small, and we will publish them at the regional website and share via social media – members should email their photos to Patrick Bragg –

We will show the government, the public and fellow PSAC members that we are committed to defending our collective agreements and public services.

Contact your Regional Representative to find out how your worksite can get involved and for materials.
Together, in every city, every Local, and every worksite in BC we need to send a message to the government – we are strong and united!

In Solidarity, Bob Jackson REVP BC