What is the significance of May 1st/International Workers’ Day?
In most other parts of the world May 1st is celebrated as Labour Day and is a celebration of labourers and the working classes that is promoted by the International Labour Movement, Anarchists, Socialists and Communists. The May 1 date was chosen to commemorate the Haymarket affair in Chicago that occurred in May 4, 1886. More info wikipedia.
Upcoming Events for May Day in BC:
Vancouver and District Labour Council (May 1) – 5pm-midnight (Rally, March and fundraisers!!) Commercial and 14th to Grandview Park – details
Vancouver (May 1) – Grandview Park – Vancouver Anti-Capitalist May Day event. 7 pm Folk Show & BBQ, 9 pm Dance Party in the streets – details
Castlegar (May 1) – City Hall – Celebrate International Workers’ Day – Free BBQ Lunch 11AM to 2PM
Vancouver (May 2) – Mayday Social Justice Info Festival from 1 – 4 pm at Grandview Park. A number of groups are taking part including the VDLC – details
Penticton (May 2) – 10-2pm Gyro Park Bandshell – details
Kamloops – an event may be pending, check www.kdlc.ca for updated information
Other events may be planned in your area, check local newspapers, talk to activists or look for signage in your community!! Celebrate workers everywhere this May Day!!