Kamloops – Federal public service workers and allies will gather outside Cathy McLeod’s office at a rally calling on the federal government to take the measures necessary to ensure public service workers are paid correctly and on time.
“Federal government workers in Kamloops worry constantly about whether or not they will receive a correct pay cheque, or one at all.” says Eddy Bourque, National President of the Canada Employment and Immigration Union. “We are calling on the government to fix their payroll system once and for all.”
The Phoenix payroll system used by the federal government has been riddled with problems since it was rolled out in early 2016. Tens of thousands of workers have been under-paid, paid late, or in some cases not paid at all.
“It has been over a year and a half since the Phoenix pay system was rolled out and the government still can’t pay their workers correctly and on time for the vital work they do.” continues Bourque, “The layoff of 2700 highly trained compensation advisors before Phoenix rolled out was a foolish decision. It is imperative that the government rebuild the internal expertise that was lost by eliminating these positions by hiring and training new staff, and bringing back experienced former compensation officers who are willing to do so.”
Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Time: 12PM to 12:30 PM
Location: 6 – 275 Seymour Street, Kamloops
- Eddie Bourque, National President, Canada Employment and Immigration Union
- Vanessa Miller, Regional Vice-President, Canada Employment and Immigration Union
- Wes Todd, President, Local 20914, Canada Employment and Immigration Union
- Kristine Harrington, a worker directly affected by problems with the Phoenix pay system
Federal public service workers are proudly committed to providing the services Canadians depend on, yet thousands are still having financial troubles because they are not being paid correctly or on time.
For more information: Michael Aubury, PSAC Communications, cell: (613) 218-0952