Are you an Aboriginal, Inuit or Métis PSAC member who would like to learn more about your union?
If yes, we invite you to apply for the PSAC BC National Aboriginal Peoples’ Circle (NAPC) course.
We are holding a NAPC course for Aboriginal, Inuit and Métis members in BC in Richmondon October 25 to 27, 2014. To be eligible for the course, members are asked to self-identify by completing the following form:
The NAPC course is for members who have had little or no exposure to their union and would like to learn more about it. During the course participants will learn more about:
- the role of the union in advancing Aboriginal rights in the workplace, the union, and our communities;
- resources and decision-making in the PSAC;
- how to become more active in the PSAC through local, regional and national structures.
All expenses related to participation in the course will be covered by the PSAC (travel, accommodation, meals, loss of salary, family care costs) in accordance with the PSAC Travel Policy. Local participants will receive the $50 education per diem for each day of the course to cover mileage and meals.
Participants at each course will have the opportunity to meet and work with other PSAC BC Aboriginal members, the PSAC BC Regional Council Aboriginal Equity Coordinator – Sister Ruby Langan, and the two BC representatives on the PSAC’s NAPC – Sister Nancy Burton and Brother Michael Ballard.
If you are interested in this course, please complete the on-line application by the deadline date – September 12, 2014. There are a limited number of seats for the course – so please apply now! NOTE: the application deadline has now passed.
If you have any questions about the course or require this information or application in an alternate format, please contact Deb Seaboyer, Regional Education Officer at the Vancouver Regional Office ( or 604-430-5631 or toll-free 1‑800‑663‑1655)