PSAC BC Regional Newsletter for March 2014
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News and Political Action
Federal Budget 2014
- “This government has a habit of misleading Canadians. Tony Clement mislead the public on sick leave, and now he’s misleading Canadians on the retiree benefit plan.” Reaction to the budget from Robyn Benson. Video from CBC.
- “Canadians are starting to look at what this government is actually doing. Services are gone, and Canadians need them.” More on the budget from Robyn Benson at
- Federal Budget 2014: Balancing the books on the back of public services and the workers who provide them. PSAC reaction to the budget, at the national website.
International Womens Day
Our Veterans Deserve Better! We just got another batch of postcards that call on Stephen Harper to re-open VAC offices. Would you like to distribute some in your community or worksite? Let me know.
PSAC BC and Metro Vancouver Alliance: Finding common ground and working for the common good. PSAC Vancouver Area Council members are actively involved with the work of Metro Vancouver Alliance, a broad based alliance of community groups, labour, faith and educational institutions, all working together for the common good. Read about why this is important and how you can get involved.
- CFIA – A tentative agreement has been achieved and PSAC will be conducting an electronic vote for the first time in our history. Highlights of the agreement here.
- Canada Post – After PSAC filed an unfair labour practice, conciliation has been scheduled for mid-March. Full updates at the national website.
- Canada Revenue Agency – Mediation broke down February 27 as the government and CRA refused to address critical issues. All updates, including a summary of our bargaining position, at the national website.
- Treasury Board – The bargaining cycle is underway. Delegates at the National Bargaining Conference elected teams and committed to defending workplace rights and benefits. One week later PSAC was served notice to bargain by the employer.
Union Education
Weekend Course Schedule
Fraser Valley
Facing Management, Abbotsford, April 12 Public Speaking, Abbotsford, April 13
Vancouver Island
Local Officers Intro, Victoria, Mar 22 Understanding & Interpreting the CA, Victoria, April 5 Grievance Handling, Victoria, May 3,4
Lower Mainland
Talking Union Basics, Vancouver, Mar 15,16 Local Officers Seminar, Vancouver, April 5 Grievance Handling, Vancouver, May 3,4 Bargaining from Strength, Vancouver, May 31, Jun 1
More information and online registration at the website.
We are currently scheduling courses in the Southern Interior, and Northern BC and will finalize them soon – Local Executive members are encouraged to send their input on the schedule to Deb Seaboyer, our Regional Education Officer.
Meetings and Events
Metro Vancouver Alliance Founding Assembly, March 19th in Vancouver. Join PSAC along with other unions and community groups to celebrate the founding of a broad-based coalition working for the common good. More info and details.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings
West Fraser Valley Area Council meeting – March 10 – Surrey Victoria Area Council meeting – March 12 – Victoria Vancouver Island Young Workers Committee AGM – March 18 – Victoria BC Mainland Human Rights Committee meeting – March 20 – Vancouver BC Mainland Young Workers Committee AGM – March 26 – Vancouver
More information on all of these at the events calendar.
Thanks for reading, <<First Name>>. Is it just me or is it beginning to look like Spring out there?
Patrick Bragg PSAC Vancouver Regional Office 604 430 5631 | 1 800 663 1655 | |
Do you have news or know of an event that may be of interest to PSAC members? Got feedback on the newsletter? Just want to say hi? Email PSAC!