Send a postcard to Minister Fortier!
Help amplify an action members across the country took on November 28!
Members from across the country came together November 28th at a virtual event to call on Mona Fortier to show leadership and tell Treasury Board to put forward a real mandate at the bargaining table.
As president of Treasury Board, she is ultimately responsible for negotiations with Treasury Board and federal agencies.
To help ramp up the pressure on Minister Fortier, members in BC have launched a postcard campaign calling on her to tell Treasury Board to come to the table prepared to negotiate a contract that includes a fair wage offer that recognizes the impact rising inflation is having on our families, good working conditions, and a respectful workplace.
- PSAC members: download our message to the Minister here and send it today!
- Allies: download this version and send it today!
- Print it, fill it out, put it in an envelope and send it postage-free to …
- The Honourable Mona Fortier
- President of the Treasury Board
- House of Commons
- Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
If you would like a supply of printed postcards to distribute to co-workers, contact your Regional Mobilization Coordinator or PSAC Regional Office.
Please help us amplify the campaign by sending us a photo of you and your co-workers taking action 👇👇👇 or posting it and tagging @psacbc on Facebook or Instagram.
We look forward to your photos! This will help let Minister Fortier know that members in BC (and across the country) will fight for a fair contract!