To: PSAC Young Workers in BC,
Each year the BC Federation of Labour organizes a “Young Workers’ School” at Camp Jubilee situated in Indian Arm in BC. It’s a great opportunity to meet young workers from a whole bunch of different unions. There are workshops offered and time allotted to take part in some fun outdoor activities as well. This year it will be held from June 19 to 21, 2015. The School website is check it out for more specific info.
Please note there is a cost to the School and that accommodations will be just like camping (read: shared accommodations in a bunk house). Please do not register until you have secured funding to cover your registration and/or other expenses you might incur such as travel, leave without pay, etc.
Speaking of funding, this year we have some limited funds available to provide as a subsidy towards your costs to attending.
How to apply? Email the following information to Monica Urrutia by May 15, 2015.
- Send us your name and full contact info
- Give us a brief rundown of your anticipated costs, other sources of funding that you have already applied for, and monies already granted if applicable.
- Tell us in brief why it is important for you as a young worker to attend this event.
- Explain how you will use this experience to help raise the profile of PSAC young workers in your workplace, union, and/or community.
As with other funding sources, if a subsidy is granted, we would expect a short report/evaluation of your participation at the School within 4 weeks after the event, especially if you’ve already acted on what you had planned to do with this info. In the past we’ve had different kinds of reports such as written reports, a photo montage, etc. You could even create a short YouTube video if you want. Feel free to be creative!
This subsidy offer is separate and apart from the “Conference/Convention subsidy” offered through the PSAC-REVP’s office. If you haven’t applied for that yet I would encourage you to do so at the same time using this form.
For Camp Jubilee, the Early Bird registration deadline is May 20, 2015. The advantage in meeting this deadline is saving $25 off of the registration fee. The final registration deadline is June 12, 2015.
For the PSAC Young Worker subsidy, we will try to make a final decision by May 19, 2015 so that successful applicants can take advantage of the early bird registration deadline.
Questions? Email Monica Urrutia!