Tentative Agreement reached with Corps of Commissionaires, Victoria the Islands and Yukon.

The Commissionaires bargaining team, comprised of John Davies, David Schinbein, Nancy Sermons and Erna Post are pleased to announce that a tentative agreement for members working at the Corps of Commissionaires, Victoria the Islands and Yukon has been achieved.

The bargaining team last met with the employer on November 4 and worked hard alongside a mediator to reach a fair tentative agreement, which the team is recommending that the membership vote in favour of.

A series of ratification vote meetings have been scheduled in Victoria, Nanaimo, and Whitehorse where the bargaining team will make a presentation and be available to answer questions from members. The full tentative agreement package is currently being prepared and will also be available.

Approximately 400 members of PSAC Local 20500 work as Commissionaires on Vancouver Island and in Whitehorse, providing high-quality security services to the federal government as well as the private sector.