Tentative Agreement reached with Swissport Fuel Services at YVR

The Swissport bargaining team, comprised of Barry Tchir, Ron Chohan, John Alexandrakis, Ravi Dhami, Devin Glass, and Erna Post are pleased to announce that a tentative agreement for members working as fuelers at YVR has been achieved.

The bargaining team last met with the employer June 21, 22, 23 and 26, 27 and worked hard alongside a federal conciliation officer to reach a fair tentative agreement, which the team is recommending that the membership vote in favour of.

A series of ratification vote meetings have been scheduled for July 2 where the bargaining team will make a presentation and be available to answer questions from members. The full tentative agreement package is currently being prepared and will also be available.

Approximately 80 members of PSAC/UCTE Local 20221 work at Swissport International Inc. in Richmond BC, refueling aircraft and providing associated services at Vancouver International Airport.