Treasury Board bargaining round up: Common issues, PA, TC, SV, and EB teams have all tabled demands

PSAC’s PA, TC, SV, EB, and common issues bargaining teams all met with the employer between June 14 and 23, where they aimed to build on the gains negotiated in the last round of negotiations and put forward proposals that reflect the new realities of our post-pandemic workplaces.

The bargaining teams are all committed to negotiating a fair deal that improves working conditions for PSAC members and rejects any concessions from the employer.

Here’s a round up of news and information flowing out of the five meetings.

Common Issues

PSAC outlined several key areas targeted for improvement, including remote work, work-life balance, parental leave top-up, protections against harassment and contracting out, job security, and workforce adjustment.  

The team also underscored the need for measures to address systemic racism in the workplace and to make progress on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s call to educate public service workers on the history of Indigenous peoples.

PA Group

Key issues raised by the PA team include expanded leave provisions, such as more paid time off to support mental health and tend to family responsibilities, better pay for overtime and shift work, including a higher premium for weekend work and a new statutory holiday to recognize National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21) and inclusion of the recently legislated National Day for Truth and Reconciliation holiday (September 30) into the collective agreement. Read more at

TC Group

Key issues the TC team raised include fair and equitable working conditions, including increased protections for shift workers, better call-back and standby provisions, and improvements to travel time; better workplace protections, including strengthening the workforce adjustment process and eliminating contracting out; and reforming the outdated and broken classification system, which does not reflect the work we done by TC members and does not provide adequate compensation. Read more at

SV Group

Key issues the SV team raised include the duty to accommodate – salaries and benefits of members have to be protected, regardless of accommodations; fair wages; hours of work; work life balance; job security; and ship’s crews specific provisions. Full details at

EB Group

Key issues the EB team raised include: Improved leave, including increased and expanded family-related responsibilities leave, additional designated paid holidays, and a summer pedagogical break for 12-month teachers; Better work-life balance, including a reduction in hours of work and increased compensation for overtime; stronger workplace protections; and no contracting out and limits on term employment. Full details at

Next Steps

Talks at all five tables will resume in September.

If you are interested in supporting our bargaining efforts by being a mobilization contact in your workplace, get in touch with your Local or Branch President. Membership involvement, mobilization, and participation will be key to ensuring the teams win a fair agreement that makes gains and improves working conditions.

Over the summer, be sure to show your support for your bargaining team by downloading and using one of these bargaining graphics.