Young Workers to BC Federation of Labour Convention

To: PSAC Young Workers in BC
Are you considering attending the BC Federation of Labour Convention this November and are trying to put together the money to do so? Well I definitely want to encourage you to come if you can, and our Young Worker Caucus wants to help support your attendance!
We have some limited funds available to provide as a subsidy towards your costs to attending this Convention.
How to apply? Do steps 1 to 4 by October 17.
1. Send us your name and full contact info
2. Give us a brief rundown of your anticipated costs, other sources of funding that you have already applied for, and monies already granted if applicable
3. Tell us in brief why it is important for you as a young worker to attend this event
4. Explain how you will use this experience to help raise the profile of PSAC young workers in your workplace, union, and/or community
As with other funding sources, if a subsidy is granted, we would expect a short report/evaluation of your participation at the BC Fed Convention within 4 weeks after the convention, especially if you’ve already acted on what you had planned to do with this info.
This subsidy offer is separate and apart from the subsidy offered through the PSAC-REVP’s office. If you haven’t applied for that yet I would encourage you to do so also at their deadline is October 10.
In Solidarity,
Vanessa Miller
BC Regional Council Young Worker Coordinator