YVR Bargaining Update: Initial exchange of bargaining proposals

Your bargaining team met with the employer for the first time on February 20th and 21st.  We exchanged bargaining proposals and then spent some time walking through those proposals.  This provided both parties the opportunity to briefly explain the intent behind their proposals.

The union and employer proposals are available at www.local20221.com

Your bargaining team is comprised of:  Barry Tchir, Patrick Fisher, Shari Sinclair, David Costa and Dave Clark.  Dave Jackson, PSAC Regional Representative is the negotiator.

The employer is represented by:  Michele Mawhinney, Sarah Gallagher, Don Ehrenholz and Steve Hankinson.

We will begin discussions regarding an Essential Services agreement on March 25, 2013.

Our next meeting with the employer is scheduled for March 12-14, 2013.  Following that meeting we should have a better idea how this round of bargaining will go.

If more information is required please contact one of your negotitating team members.