Application Form: 2025 PSAC BC Regional Women’s Conference

Women’s Rights in 2025: Flourishing or Flatlining or Floundering

Please use this form to apply for the 2025 PSAC BC Regional Women’s Conference, which will be held in person April 4, 5 and 6 at the Hilton Metrotown Vancouver in Burnaby. 

The application deadline is Monday, February 10, 2025 at 11:59 PM Pacific. Additional conference details can be found on the PSAC BC website here.

Note fields marked * are required.

If you have any questions about the Regional Women’s Conference, please call the PSAC Victoria Regional Office at (250) 953-1050 or 1 (866) 953-1050 or contact PSAC BC Regional Representative Martha Johnson at

Personal information

Personal, not employer email please
or your home phone number if no cell

Workplace information

if you’re working remotely due to Covid, enter your usual or pre-pandemic workplace

Participant Profile

Important note: The responses to these questions will be used in the selection process for delegates to the conference.

To ensure that the conference responds to the needs of our members, we invite you to complete the following questions.

Equity self-ID

PSAC members who belong to the following groups are invited to self-identify. This information is voluntary and kept confidential and will be used for the purposes of supporting our equity initiatives and programs. Please check all that apply.
For equity purposes, “person with disabilities” means persons who experience barriers arising from impairments of a physical, mental, sensory, psychiatric or learning nature.
A raciallized person in Canada is non-white in colour or race, regardless of place of birth.
An Indigenous person is a members of a First Nation, a Métis or an Inuit Community.
2SLTGBTQIA+ is defined as Two-Spirited, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Persons, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, with a plus to encompass other forms of sexual orientation and gender expression, such as gender queer or gender nonconforming persons.


Please indicate your pronouns (she, he, they, zhe, etc) below. More information on pronouns and building trans-inclusive workspaces can be found here.

Loss of salary and expenses

The following information will only be used if you are selected as a participant to the conference.

Please identify if you will require loss of salary to be covered. In most cases, a full day will be needed to arrive in time for the program on Friday.

If you require Loss of Salary for Saturday or Sunday, please indicate below (for budget tracking purposes).

Accommodation for disabilities

The following information will only be used if you are selected as a participant to the conference.

The PSAC Accommodation Policy strives to ensure that PSAC Conferences are barrier-free for members with disabilities. Once selected as a participant, members will be asked to specify their accommodation needs in order to facilitate their participation at this Conference.

You may be required to provide relevant medical documentation that will assist us to respond to your request. This information will not be disclosed except where necessary to respond to your request for accommodation.

Family care

The objective of the PSAC Family Care Policy is to remove one of the barriers which prevents Delegates from participating fully in Union activities and which provides for the reimbursement of family care expenses. A copy of the policy is available on the PSAC website here.

On-site childcare is intended to remove a barrier to delegate participation at the Conference and is provided only for those who could not otherwise attend, had the service not been available. Requests must be received no later than Monday, February 10, 2025.

If there are any requests by participants, on-site childcare will be provided at the Conference for the activities outlined in the agenda.

Emergency contact

Mode of Transportation

Please indicate your preferred mode of travel. Participants are expected to travel by the most direct, economical means in accordance with the PSAC Travel Policy. Please provide any relevant details below.

Last Section (copy)

With this application, I agree that, if selected, I will attend and participate in all sessions of the PSAC BC Regional Women’s Conference scheduled for Friday to Sunday, April 4, 5, and 6, 2025. I have read the PSAC policy documents on harassment and scent-free environments and I understand my responsibilities in accordance with them.