Mainland Human Rights Committee Meeting
Thursday, November 14
6:00 PM -
HYBRID: In-person at the PSAC Vancouver Regional Office (200 - 5238 Joyce Street) and via Zoom
The next Mainland Human Rights Committee meeting takes place Thursday, November 14 at 6 PM. The meeting will be held in a HYBRID format with in-person attedance at the PSAC Vancouver Regional Office and online attendance via Zoom.
Please RSVP to and indicate if you plan to attend in person or online. Confirmed virtual attendees will receive Zoom coordinates for the meeting. For in-person attendees, please indicate if you have any dietary restrictions as dinner will be provided at the meeting.
Additional meeting details, including a proposed agenda will be posted closer to the meeting date.
Note: the PSAC Family Care Policy applies to participation in PSAC Regional Committees and Area Councils, as long as all the other requirements in the policy are met. If you wish to access the subsidy to assist with Family Care to enable your participation in the Human Rights Committee meeting, please let PSAC BC know in advance of the meeting.